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Thank you for attending SyncroSim 2023
SyncroSim 2023 took place September 19-21 in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The conference brought together SyncroSim users from across government, industry, NGOs, and academia – from folks working with SyncroSim to support decisions in complex ecological systems, to developers of SyncroSim packages and the core SyncroSim software.
At SyncroSim 2023, attendees engaged over a day of hands-on workshops and two days of presentations, demonstrating the use of SyncroSim across a range of practical applications. Talks were recorded and are available to watch on YouTube.
SyncroSim is a versatile software platform for developing, running, and analyzing geospatial forecasting models. With SyncroSim, users can build models for a wide range of applications, including models of landscape change, wildfire behavior, ecosystem carbon dynamics, species distributions, habitat connectivity, population dynamics, and more. The software allows modelers to bundle up their existing map-based simulation models – written as either standalone executables or scripts in languages such as Python and R – and deliver them in a format that others can easily use.

Sponsors & Organizing Committee
The SyncroSim User Conference was hosted and sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey, and co-sponsored by The Nature Conservancy and Apex Resource Management Solutions.

Special thanks to the organizing committee: Colin Daniel (ApexRMS), Leonardo Frid (ApexRMS), Catherine Jarnevich (U.S. Geological Survey), James L. Smith (The Nature Conservancy) & Benjamin Sleeter (U.S. Geological Survey).